Labotory, located in Seoul, South Korea, is a professional service-oriented value-oriented design studio. They are not limited to the inherent aesthetic expression, but pursue the feasibility of implementing design concepts into projects, overcome the constraints of site factors, and use unique design language to transform into unlimited creative ideas and conception, avoiding the generation of homogeneity through subtle differences. Thus, more mature design logic and innovative thinking are derived.
“Looking is a very emotional act,” says James Turrell. “Feeling like there’s something sweet and delicious about looking at something.” Labtory identified strongly with this phrase, and in order to convey this sensational sensory behavior, they began designing with the concept of “Heterotopia,” which tells of ecstatic experiences found on the boundary between ordinary life and utopia, in other words, the other side of everyday life.
PSR stands for Personal Shopper Room. It is a shopping place for top VIPs, and department stores have become part of their daily lifestyle. Therefore, Labotory hopes that it can become a place where people can feel excellent service quality. To do this, they took the existing department’s immature concept and stale image and changed the direction of the department so that the scarcity value of luxury goods could be reflected in the service and culture of the new PSR.